
Posts Tagged ‘TV’

Ladies…Keep your Damn Legs Closed!!

August 7, 2010 Leave a comment

Women please stop giving up the ass so fast!  You are a treasure and should be treated as one.  You complain endlessly about not being able to find a good man.  Of course not!  Some of you guys jump in the sack so quick with these guys, it makes my head spin.  No man wants to wife a woman that he banged on the first date.  He assumes you do that with every man you meet.  Can you blame him?  I’ve never respected a woman that will give it up on the first date or say, “You don’t need a condom, I’m clean.”  Yeah, whatever.  If you give it up on the first date, you’ve just been categorized as a ho by that man and that’s all you will ever be to him.

The women I respected the most in my life made me wait a month before we had sex.  She respected herself and made me respect her.  I knew at that point that I wasn’t just another notch on her bedpost.  It’s important to a man.  Some men don’t care, but most do.  A good man, anyway.

Respect yourself.  Make him wait.  If he doesn’t want to wait, let him go.  That’s one more headache and heartache you don’t have to deal with and one more doctor’s visit you don’t have to plan.

Now, if you just need a quickie, do what you got to do.  Don’t go backwards, though.  Some women go and hook up with exes because the sex was good.  C’mon ladies, there’s obviously a reason your not with him.  Let it go.

Whether you believe it or not, you’re a gift to a man.  You complete him.  And no matter what we say or how much we complain, we need you.  Can’t exist without you.  So cut out the fat – all those bum-ass men you associate with and look for quality.  When Mr. Quality comes along, you will have so much more to offer him.  Like a tight vagina.  Accept only the best.

All we ever have in this life is our self-respect.  Keep it.

Who Cheats More? Part 2

August 7, 2010 Leave a comment

I recently posted on my reasons for men and women getting their “cheat on.”  Well one reader had her own perspective on the cheating game, check it out.

Why Do People Cheat?

by Krista Starr

The age old question…why do people cheat on each other when in relationships?

Men are ruled by visuals while women are ruled by emotions. I guess that explains why the porn industry is a female dominated industry fueled by men’s money, and why Danielle Steele books are always best sellers.

I think that both genetics and environment play a role when it comes to cheating. Let’s get this straight – the fact that men, for thousands of years, have been the “chasers” and are genetically pre-disposed to spreading their seed far and wide does NOT excuse men for cheating on their women. It does however, play a part in the reason why they cheat. Men love to chase. They will wine and dine you, bring you flowers, show you off to their friends – all while pursuing you. Why does that all end when you finally enter into a “monogamous” relationship? Because the chase is over! They’ve got what they wanted. Now what? It may be weeks, months or even years before your man actually considers cheating on you. He may or may not follow through at that time. Don’t be fooled – he’s cheated on you from day 1 in his imagination! Why? Because men are all about having what they can’t have. The elusive chase.

I know you don’t want to hear this ladies,  but we women play a role in our men cheating. We make sure that our make up and hair is perfect, we work out at the gym regularly, and we look good.. while we are dating, and often even into the first part of being in a relationship with our man. BUT once we get comfortable with him being there when we come home from work and seeing us wake up with bed-head and raccoon eyes, we slowly let ourselves go. We put on our hoody and sweats when we get home from work, instead of our hip-hugger jeans.. we put on our pink cotton bathrobe when we get out of bed on Sunday morning that we’ve had since college instead of slipping on a cute tshirt and short shorts, too many nights of “Not tonight, I’m tired” or “I’ve gotta get up early tomorrow”. Whether you like it or not, ladies, our men have to continue to be visually, and physically, stimulated.. or they’ll start looking elsewhere.

Women, on the other hand, are emotional by nature. Every man knows that helping your lady with the dishes, giving her a back rub or running her a bubble bath means that your night is probably going to end with great sex. Why? Because the more you take care of your women OUTSIDE of the bedroom, the better she’ll take care of you INSIDE the bedroom! Women are easy to figure out – compliment us (and genuinely mean it), snuggle up with us on the couch (and don’t try to get us to blow you while we’re in the middle of a show), take us out for dinner, surprise us by helping out around the house without us having to ask or nag you.. these things are women’s foreplay. Oh, and speaking of foreplay.. most women need some time to warm up before you go for the gold. Set out some candles, undress us slowly, caress us.. make us FEEL like you give a shit.

So, why do women cheat? One word – NEGLECT. In the beginning, when you were chasing your lady, you called her just to hear her voice, showed up at her work to take her for lunch, looked (and smelled) good when you went out clubbin’, asked her questions, and listened to her bitch about her friends. Once it was a done deal, the interest in your lady slowly subsided. You came home from work and took up residence in front of the TV with your beer, started leaving your rolled-up smelly socks by the front door, made a ritual of going out to watch UFC on the big screen at your local sports bar with the boys every Friday night.. instead of spending time with us.

As much as you boys need to be visually and physically stimulated, we women need to be emotionally cared for and intellectually stimulated. We like talking. We like you to listen. When we ask how your day was, we want more than “Fine”. We want YOU to ask US how OUR day was.. and not walk away as we’re telling you about it! For every man who is uninterested in their woman, there are several other men who are definitely interested in your woman! So.. if you wanna hold onto your lady – PAY ATTENTION TO HER.

Women and Sex…Does it really exist?

August 7, 2010 Leave a comment

Women are crazy.  But we lovem’.  When they’re young, they want the bad boys.  You know the ones – breaks the rules, built like a brick, quiet or even rude.  Then women decide, “You know what, I can change him.”  After a few kids, a couple of broken hearts, and, in some cases, a couple of ass whippens, they realize the nice guy they dissed years back was the perfect guy to begin with.  And women have the power in the relationship anyway.  At the beginning, whose in charge?  You are!  You decide if we get the number, if we go out, and if we get to dip our nuggets in your sauce.  Am I right?  But…after we “do the do”, there is a shift in power – a disturbance in the force if you will.  Then we take over.  We decide what restaurants, TV shows, and the freaky level of the relationship.  Then we f**k up.  We do one of the following stupid things:  Cheat, not grow up, not look to the future, or simply have no goals or directions.  In the end, the power is returned to its rightful owner.

Ya see, women are auditioning to win the role of wife.  A role that looks great on the other side of the fence.  What’s the old saying?  The grass is always greener on the other side?  Well there you go.  So what do they do?  They do it like they never did it before!  They do every position imaginable–from froggy style to 69, damn near doing backflips off  the headboard.  Then our dumb asses give them a ring, because we think this is the way it will always be.  They are the perfect angels during the engagement.  For the first year everything is great.  Your all sore between the thighs, stomach muscles aching, and your sleeping like a baby.  Then after that first year, (whoooooosh) tumbleweeds are falling out the coochy.

But, do you know what really bugs me out about women?  The fact that they will stop giving their husbands or boyfriends sex then have the nerve to be shocked when they cheat.  What the hell is that?  We should not have to give up sex because they do, thats crazy!  That should be in the vows – to have, to hold, to bang the living hell out of your partner!  If you’re not gonna do it, then you should allow the other person to get their needs fulfilled elsewhere.  You may say I’m wrong, but that’s false advertising and that’s wrong!

And do it like you want to.  Don’t lay there like a damn doormat.  Move something.  Dance, pole dance.  Put on some hooker boots and perform.  If you cant walk in them then limp your ass around the bedroom, but do it.  Keep it crispy in the bedroom.  Don’t look at the d**k all sideways when its time to go downtown.  Enjoy it or let it go.  Because there’s someone else out there that will.  And orgasm!  Quit thinking so damn much, “Am i doing it right , is he happy, I hope he can’t feel that bump.”   Just do it!  Roll your eyes in the back of your head and scream out your man’s name (or the Lord’s name, whatever does it for you).  Make the neighbors jealous.  I want the police to show up because the neighbors called them thinking I was killing you!  Then after all the screaming, sheet ripping, sweating, biting, scratching, and huffing and puffing…do it again.